Nghĩa của từ epiphyte|epiphytes bằng Tiếng Anh


plant which grows on another plant but is not a parasite

Đặt câu với từ "epiphyte|epiphytes"

Dưới đây là những mẫu câu có chứa từ "epiphyte|epiphytes", trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh. Chúng ta có thể tham khảo những mẫu câu này để đặt câu trong tình huống cần đặt câu với từ epiphyte|epiphytes, hoặc tham khảo ngữ cảnh sử dụng từ epiphyte|epiphytes trong bộ từ điển Từ điển Tiếng Anh

1. The result showed the variety in the rhizo - epiphyte and endo - epiphyte of Daphne odora thunb.

2. Phytosociology and Ecology of Cryptogamic Epiphytes

3. Anthuriums prefer a mix suited for epiphytes

4. Anthuriums are herbaceous epiphytes native to tropical America

5. Epiphytes are grown on pieces of wood.

6. The measles is caused by a kind of specific epiphyte.

7. Rain forests are home to numerous species, terrestrial and epiphytes.

8. Phlegmariurus (tropical firmosses); about 300-400 species; often included in Huperzia; mainly epiphytes.

9. Using dilution - plate method , the inhibiting effect of vanillin to the epiphyte was mensurated.

10. Result: All were healed except one inducing by epiphyte infection.

11. Rice blast is a kind of epiphyte disease by Magnaporthe grisea.

12. There are many germs inside vagina, how can we differentiate microzyme , epiphyte, bacteria or infusorians?

13. The second largest group are the leptosporangiate ferns, with about 2800 species (10% of epiphytes).

14. This would lead to the wilting and the death of epiphytes, which rely on high humidity.

15. Epiphyte Any plant growing upon or attached to another plant or object merely for physical support.

16. Epiphyte Any plant growing or attached to another plant or object merely for physical support.

17. From the Cambridge English Corpus Such a spatial association is analogous to epiphyte ant-gardens in which the plants grow principally on Arboreal …

18. It is stressed, that the chemical and structural diversity of the phyllosphere will influence the settlement of epiphytes.

19. The Tufted Coquettes primarily feed on nectar taken from a variety of brightly colored, scented small flowers of trees, herbs, shrubs and epiphytes

20. According to the present state of knowledge, it can be assumed that the virulence of actinomycetes does not change when they turn from epiphytes into parasites.

21. The liquid culture of Grifola frondosa is a new approach to develop new health food for epiphyte polysaccharide and has prominent economic value.

22. 2000 , Anton Ivancic, Vincent Lebot, The Genetics and Breeding of Taro , page 15 , The majority of Aroids are climbers and epiphytes of tropical rainforests.

23. Bromeliad is a well-known tropical epiphyte plant, growing in the ground and also on other stuff like rainforest trees, logs, rocks, and other plants

24. The cool and moist conditions of these Fokienia forests often promote lush growth of Cryptogamic epiphytes and an accumulation of organic litter on the forest floor.

25. One of the surprising things I discovered is that, if you pull back with me on those mats of epiphytes, what you'll find underneath them are connections, networks of what we call canopy roots.